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Monday, August 3, 2009

Catastrophic Mission Failure....

A cracked gasket caused a large explosion when the O2 tanks were stirred causing a venting of usable oxygen..oh wait wrong mission. I was going up a hill when the screw holding the left front rack sheared and the rack went into the wheel. One spoke broken and at least 2 bent possibly beyond repair. I am ok, I kept the bike upright, it was just a good thing this happened going uphill because if I was going downhill at 30-40 MPH it could have been a disaster. I am in the process of renting a car and getting to a bike shop in Lexington to get it fixed. I know that isn't the closest bike shop, however if I am going to be stuck losing a day or two, I might as well get some sightseeing out of it. I will keep you all updated.


  1. Glad to see your OK -- GEEZS that sounded scary -- listen if your going to be sightseeing -- how about some more of those great pictures you've been taking. PLEASSSSEEE :-)

    ~Author Unknown
    Okay so today turned out very interesting. I am glad your mom and I were able to help you work out the rental car and alternatives in making that turn onto new roads. All in all, you handled the adversity with marked resilience. These type of events make us stronger. I coundn't tell you this yesterday, but now I can tell you that Hotel 80 your place of residence last evening is on the Kentucky list of haunted places.
    Here is the post:
    Hindman - Motel 80 - years ago a man is said to have found his wife, and another guy together. He shot and killed the other man. Today it’s said the ghost of the man killed is haunting the motel. Lights go on and off. Sounds of walking can be heard, and no one is found.
    Did you hear anything?
    Have fun in the PT Cruiser.
    When you get to Louisville, get someone to snap your picture in front of the world's largest baseball bat - Louisville slugger. Uncle Joey will like that one too.
    Since I have been trying to take the high road on the quotes I leave, let me close with
    Internally processed nutritionally drained biological output transpires. This is the politically correct way of saying
    "Shit Happens"
    Forrest Gump et al

  3. Hey Babe, All things happen for a reason. I just thank God that everything is OK. How was the Sushi? Muhamad Ali's birth place, this is what I have been told. So check out the sights. I am sure there is some things to do. Enjoy your down time, isn't that what this trip is all about. I am glad daddy did not tell me about his findings regarding Motel 80 last night or I would have driven out there, you know I am not kidding. Sweet dreams tonight. Love mom xoxo

  4. ...Gods way of making you take time to smell the roses! Glad you are safe and look forward to your photos...of the Ghost! Aunt Lisa
