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Monday, August 3, 2009

The Detour Begins....

After a few hours of talking with the mountain people of Kentucky, I found the Enterprise in Hazard, KY. These people were very helpful when it came to getting me a car to use. So I drove up to Lexington to check out the "city". I admit that I didn't check it all out, but it seems like a series of mini malls and suburbs stretched out over a large area, however some of it is very pretty. After some sushi, I found a place to stay. The plan for tomorrow is to wake up, check out Lexington for an hour then drive to Louisville and spend my day getting my bike fixed and taking in the sights. What started out to be a disaster has actually turned into a nice little adventure. Goodnight you Princes of Maine, you Kings of New England.


  1. Goodnight Doctor Larch
    Since this blog is named Against the Wind, remember "Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are."
    Use the down time to remember to smell the roses. Speaking of roses, isn't that where they run the Kentucky Derby?
    Love ya

  2. I know that movie! Just enjoy yourself even if it takes a day or two. I am sure there is plenty to keep you busy, even some wineries and bourbon tours might be interesting to say the least. Love you, mom xoxo
