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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Milleniae of geological processes....

Distance: 14.4 Miles Ride Time: 1:18:25
Avg. Speed: 11.0 MPH Max: 81.6 (Don't know what is up with this lately)
After the rugged night I spent in my tent last night, I decided a day of sightseeing was in order. So I headed down the road to the actual Natural Bridge exhibits and bought myself a combination ticket. First stop, The Natural Caverns (Pictured Left). This is the largest natural caverns east of the Mississippi (Or so they say). It was quite beautiful, but as always, I would rather explore things like this myself instead of with a guided tour (Especially one full of annoying children). After leaving the Caverns, it was on to the actual Natural Bridge. After walking down the path leading up to it I came upon the following sight:
Please notice the size of the tiny people in the picture, they are in fact normal size, it is the arch that is enormous. It is taller than Niagara Falls. About 20 feet up the right hand wall one of the original colonial surveyors carved his initials: G.W. Or as we usually refer to him, Mr. President, George Washington. After leaving I continued on to my hotel 11 miles up the road where I will spend my next day resting to recharge for the upcoming climbs as I continue through the Appalachians. As I sat on my porch drinking a cold beer I looked upon the following sight watching the lightning flash over the mountains and the cars roll by:


  1. Hey Matthew! This is so awesome, I check your site every day to see where you are and what you've been through. The pictures from today are so pretty!! It seems like you are having an amazing experience, I can't wait to see what you get into next. Have a great time and be safe climbing the Appalachians!!

    Jean Paul
    Enjoy that beer, the potato chips and the view. Get into the hot tub tomorrow and kick back. Enjoy the rest you have certainly earned it.

  3. I THANK YOU for such beautiful pictures -- what ever gave you the idea to post any? LOL
    You must really be enjoying yourself. I know I am just looking forward to your next adventure. Hope all is well and have a peaceful day off. You certainly earned it :-)

  4. Oh my goodness, you are starting to experience what many others have about this wonderful country. Matthew I pray that this is some of the searching you were looking for. I am sure your body will thank you for a relaxing, (well sortof) day off. Knowing you, you will be checking out different things around where you are. I wait in anticipation to see were we are going next. Great job babe! Love mom, xoxo

  5. yo matt, your crazy in a good way. i wish i could do something like this. but i must ask , how do you keep a 6 pack cold if you say you only had one beer on your porch and you dont have a cooler? haha ill keep in touch buddy, good luck the rest of the way - Corey

  6. Hey Matt please keep the pics coming because I feel like I'm on a tour too! Be safe in the Appalachians and take lots more pics. Love you, Aunt Lisa L.

  7. Ok, I'll be the first to admit....I had to pull out the ole dictionary to get past the first word ...the one prior to geological!!! how beautiful to see this...thanks for the pictures and keep them coming and you peddling! xo Aunt Lisa H
