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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

West to Louisville...

After waking up in Lexington, I took a quick trip to the University of Kentucky. After a quick trip to their bookstore it was on to Louisville. Keeping with the theme of this trip it was pouring rain most of the day. However I didn't let this stop my day today. After dropping the bike off at the shop I found a small diner to eat lunch in, turns out that diner is famous for their "Sweet Daddy Burger", the guy that runs it was even on Letterman to serve it up. I didn't try that burger but the one I did try was HUGE (but I demolished it!). After that I headed to Main St. to check out a few of the things their including the Muhammad Ali museum as well as the Louisville Slugger factory. The only thing about the city is that it seems like a ghost town. I realize that today saw some of the worst storms the city has ever seen, however I still expected more than the 50 or so people I saw out tonight, it was eerie. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some better weather for travelling.


  1. Hi babe, Do not let all this rain dampen your spirits. There is so much to see and we would like to experience it with you. Keep your desire, dreams and visions going. Can't wait to see where the day brings you. Have fun! Love, mom xoxo

  2. Hey bud -- glad to see your spirits are high -- I truly am proud of you -- this is one hell of a trip you are on and I really feel like I am on it with you. Good thing for you that I'm not -- we would still be back in Virginia arguing about going up that 1st big hill -- OK, OK -- arguing about going up ANY hill -- LOL -- but I am happy that I am seeing it through your words and pictures. Keep up the good work :-)

    - Frank Lane
    So I was watching the Philadelphia weather report and they were reporting on the floods in Kentucky. Said it rained as much as 4 inches in an hours in some places. You sure know how to navigate to the wet weather. But weather the storm you will. Enjoy Louisville and then on to Saint Louis.
